How Long Does it Take to Resize an Engagement Ring?

You have it! Your ring, in all it’s magnificence is finally here. Eek. Congratulations.


One small snag though – it doesn’t fit.


So, you carried it around for a while just staring at its beauty. Solemnly put it back in the box and then fired up Google to arrive here. So we’ll get to the quick answer.


Quick answer

The resizing process itself is relatively quick depending on what needs to be done. If it’s a simple ring and all that’s necessary is adjusting the existing band or the shank of the ring; then this may only take around 4-5 hours.


However, if more extensive work is needed such as adding metal or resetting stones then it could easily stretch into days or even weeks depending on the complexity of the design.


The metal and intricacy of the ring would need to be taken into consideration too. The more detailed your engagement ring, the more precision is needed to ensure it doesn’t look like your ring just had a chunk hacked out of it and was stuck back together.


You may also need to factor in if the jeweler has the equipment to adapt your ring. Your ring may need to be sent off to a workshop or specialist (or maybe they’re just really busy, which can add time).


All in all, when it comes to engagement ring resizing there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration. Below might shine some further light on timelines.



What type of Metal is your Engagement Ring?

Engagement ring bands come in a variety of metals and styles, each of which will use different methods of resizing and affect the timeline.


A plain band in platinum, yellow gold, or silver is generally quicker than other materials, as the metals are easier to work with.


Tungsten rings and Titanium rings cannot be resized as the metal is too hard. You may need to enquire about returning the ring or exchanging it for a different size.


Rose gold rings is prone to cracking so there’s a longer wait time, unfortunately.


Stainless steel rings can have a long wait time as specialist equipment is regularly required to deal with its super high melting point.


A pave ring or channel settings (where small diamonds or stones are embedded in the ring) will generally take longer to resize – the jeweler may need to put the stone settings in place again.


If the ring has intricate designs, details, or engravings that need to be preserved during the resizing process, it may need to be sent to a specialist, which can add time.


If your band is set with diamonds or other precious stones around the entire band, the jeweler may not be able to resize it as there is not enough bare metal to work with.


If you’re in a rush to get your ring resized, it’s best to communicate your timeline with the jeweler upfront. They may be able to accommodate a rush order for an additional fee. However, keep in mind that rushing the resizing process can compromise the quality of the work and potentially damage the ring.



Are you Increasing or Decreasing the Size?


Bands, depending on their style and material, can generally be made a larger size by stretching or cutting the band and adding a small piece of metal. Stretching is a simple process but limited to a quarter or half a ring size and is generally the quicker option.




If we’re trying to make the ring a smaller size then a little bit of the ring will need to be removed and the two sides soldered together. The small portion of the band that is removed will generally come from the ring’s shank (the bottom of the ring). This will follow the timeline of adding some in.


Ensure you ask for the removed part of the ring and keep it safe. If you need to resize it again in the future you will already have the additional metal.



Where To Resize Your Ring

Where you take your ring to be resized will factor into how long it will take to be given back.


Some retailers offer complimentary resizing – especially if you’ve bought a pre-made ring in a popular style. They will have mentioned this to you when purchasing if it’s included (always with the upsell).


If your ring came with a warranty – check with them first if re-sizing would void the warranty and/or if they offer the resizing service themselves.


It’s important to note that resizing a ring is a delicate process that requires the expertise of a professional jeweler. Giving it to the wrong person can lead to damage or even ruin the ring completely.


You want an expert jeweler who has access to special tools and precise measurements for a perfect fit. Or one who at least has access to the required tools to deliver the right size.


If you’re looking for someone close by, family members or friends may be able to provide recommendations.


A chain jewelry store or branch will often offer resizing services; however, they can be more expensive than independent jewelers. In addition, many small local jewelers specialize in making custom-made pieces and modifying existing rings and have a workshop in store.


With these businesses, you know that experienced artisans are working with quality materials and precision tools to ensure that your ring is correctly sized.



How Should An Engagement Ring Fit

Your engagement ring should fit snugly on your ring finger. There should be some resistance when removing it, otherwise, it might slide off unnoticed and get lost.


How Much Does it Cost to Resize a Ring?

Expect to pay anywhere from $30-$150 (or more) depending on the design of the ring, how much work is involved with changing your ring size, and/or altering the band itself.


Ultimately, each situation differs so make sure to ask about pricing upfront before committing to anything. This will help ensure that you don’t end up spending more than necessary while still getting optimal results when having your engagement rings resized by a professional.



Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Possible To Resize A Vintage Engagement Ring?

When it comes to resizing a vintage engagement ring, the answer isn’t always as straightforward as you might think. With older rings, there are many obstacles that can arise during the process which may affect how much time is required for successful completion. Here are some things to consider when attempting to resize a vintage engagement ring:


  • The material of the ring – If your vintage engagement ring has an unusual setting or consists of more complex materials then it could take longer to resize.
  • The age of the ring – Older rings tend to be harder to work with since they have been exposed to wear and tear over time. This means that extra care must be taken in ensuring that all pieces fit together correctly once resized.
  • Availability of parts – Depending on where you purchase your vintage engagement ring from, finding replacement pieces for any missing stones or settings can also add additional time to the process.


It’s important to remember that before deciding whether or not to attempt re-sizing a vintage engagement ring yourself, it’s best to consult with a professional jeweler who is experienced in this type of work. A good jeweler will be able tell you if your particular piece is suitable for resizing and offer advice on what steps need to be taken.


Additionally, they should also provide an estimate on how long it would take them to complete the job successfully so that you know exactly what you are getting into before starting any project!



How Long Does It Take To Resize A Ring With A Diamond Setting?

The answer is not as simple as time itself. It’s about finding an expert who can create something beautiful for your special someone. A craftsman whose skills will be tested and crafted into one perfect piece of jewelry that captures the moment you became engaged forever.


This journey takes more than just time; it takes knowledge, patience, and skill from both the jeweler and the customer alike. From measuring the correct size for maximum comfort to making sure there are no damages or blemishes when resizing a vintage engagement ring, every step requires careful consideration.


The process may vary depending on how complicated the settings are but in general, expect at least two weeks before completion.


It’s almost like taking part in creating something unique – something that symbolizes love and commitment between two people, which makes this experience all the more intimate and meaningful.”



Are There Any Risks Associated With Resizing An Engagement Ring?

Resizing an engagement ring is a great way to make sure it fits perfectly – but are there any risks associated with the process? Before making this decision, it’s important to understand what could potentially go wrong.


There are several potential issues that can arise when resizing a diamond-set engagement ring:


  • Damage to diamonds or metal:
  • Diamonds may become loose in their setting due to the changes in pressure during resizing. This means they could fall out of the ring and be lost forever. Similarly, if too much metal is removed from the band, weak spots can form which can cause further damage down the line.
  • Quality of finish:
  • Depending on the skill level of your jeweler, there can be imperfections left in the finish after resizing. The quality of workmanship should always be taken into account before committing to having your ring altered.

While these risks might seem daunting at first glance, rest assured that experienced jewelers will take every precaution necessary to ensure your beloved piece remains as perfect as ever!


Jewelers use special tools designed specifically for gently manipulating metal without causing harm to delicate settings; they also take extra care when dealing with stones set in precious metals like gold and platinum. Ultimately, you want someone who has plenty of experience working with fine jewelry so you know your treasured item is in safe hands.



Resizing your engagement ring can be done, but it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s a process that requires the utmost care and precision if you want to avoid damaging your precious heirloom.


The time frame for resizing an engagement ring varies greatly depending on the type of setting and size adjustment needed; however, it typically takes anywhere from one day to two weeks.


If you’re unsure how long it will take or what kind of risks are associated with resizing your ring, consult a professional jeweler who can help guide you through the entire process with ease. Trust me – they have seen it all!


If you’re looking for a quick fix, think again: working with something as delicate and priceless as an engagement ring should never be rushed—it is truly worth taking the time to get it right. The best way to ensure perfect results? Leave it in the hands of true professionals who know exactly what they are doing – after all, when it comes to treasured pieces like this, there really is no room for error!
