Sizing Matters: How to Get the Perfect Fit for Your Engagement Ring

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How Should an Engagement Ring Fit?

The wrong size ring is an absolute nightmare but to make it worse many of us haven’t worn much more than fashion jewlery.


We’re not exactly given lessons on how jewlery should fit and are told never to wear rings on our left ring finger so how are you actually supposed to know how an engagement ring should fit?


That’s what we’re diving into here. So, whether you’re the bride to be who has just been proposed to (congrats btw), or a groom to be doing some research, you should find the answers to the most common questions around fit and sizing.


If you still have questions afterwards, leave a comment and I’ll come back to you.



The Quick Answer – How should your engagement ring fit?

Snug is the word we’re looking for, for the perfect fit.


Your engagement ring should be easier to put on than it is to take off.


The ring should slide easily over the knuckle and sit in place at the base of your finger. When you shake your hand it shouldn’t move more than a milimeter or two.


If the skin around the ring bulges it’s probably a bit too tight. Similarly, it shouldn’t leave any indentations in the skin.


Your engagement ring should not feel loose. Nor should its stones fall to either side easily.


To test it – push your ring up from the underneath and see if there is a small space between your ring and your finger. This generally means it’s a good size. Too much space – too big. No space – too small.



Other questions You May have regarding the fit of your engagement ring

Should my ring ever feel tight?

No. If your ring is putting pressure on your finger there’s a chance it’s stopping or at least slowing your circulation. There should be slight pressure as you pull the ring over your knuckle but it should never feel tight at the base of your finger.



How do I stop my ring from spinning?

If your ring is spinning easily or frequently, it’s generally down to one of two issues.


The center stone is to heavy for the band, if this is the case a different band would be the best course of action.


Another reason could be that the ring is too big. Consider wearing it with a ring guard for a while and see if the issue persists



Will my engagement ring fall off my hand?

Everybody’s worst nightmare. What if it falls off and you don’t notice? If the ring is sized correctly, it shouldn’t fall off. Your knuckles will generally act as a blocker too.


If you think your ring might fall off, it’s probably too big. Check in with your jewler to see if it’s the right fit, and if not, consider getting it resized.



How do you know if your engagement ring is too big?

If you find the stone is constantly falling to the side it’s a good sign that it’s too big. Another thing to look out for is how easily it spins. Your ring should be able to spin but if there’s no friction, it’s likely oversized.


A ring guard is a temporary solution to tighten your ring. This small plastic tube slides along the inside of your ring to tighten the fit.


Try wearing your engagement ring with a ring guard before resizing and if the tighter fit is more comfortable, resizing might be the best option.



What if my ring size changes?

This bad boy is with us for life, so, it’s possible we may swell, or grow, or change size.


Typically it doesn’t happen too often but if it does get to a stage that it’s too loose or tight, resizing would be the best option.



Is it better to size a ring up or down?

Sizing a ring up involves heating and stretching the band and generally maxes out at quarter to half a size larger.


An alternative option is to have the stone added to a new, larger band.


Sizing a ring down includes cutting a section out of the bottom of the band and then soldering it back together. Just remember to keep the removed piece in case you need to add it back in.


It’s much easier to size down than up.



How do I measure my ring size?

The best way to go about sizing your finger is to visit a jewlers. They will be able to measure it and let you know. You can also buy similar equipment on Amazon for a fairly decent price.


Alternatively, you can wrap a piece of floss or string around your finger and measure against a ruler or tape. Just remember, there may be some give or stretch in string that may alter your result. (ring sizes change every 0.4mm).



I bought the wrong size ring. What can I do?

First, don’t panic. It’s quite common for people to get the wrong size. Check with the jewler you bought the ring from if they can resize it (some places will do it for free).


If it’s a specific designer, check the terms and conditions as any warranties or insurance may be voided if you let someone else resize the band.



How long does it take to resize an engagement ring?

Resizing an engagement ring can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the complexity of the case.


Factors that will affect resizing time include, the metal, intricacy or details on the ring, if there are diamonds in the band, and whether you’re looking to make the ring bigger or smaller.


Here’s a full article about resizing engagement rings.


2 thoughts on “Sizing Matters: How Should an Engagement Ring Fit?”

  1. Pingback: Should your Engagement Ring Spin? No. Here's what to do about it.

  2. Pingback: Sizing Up the Situation: How to Buy an Engagement Ring When You Don't Know the Size

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