90 Scavenger Hunt Ideas for an Unforgettable Bachelorette Party

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Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Memories are elusive little sh*ts, especially when there’s alcohol involved. As the year’s roll by, the best nights slowly begin to fade from memory until you and your girls are recounting only one or two things over and over.


Unless, of course, you take pictures.


Which is why, for all the bachelorette parties I attend, I take a bajillion pictures. I want everyone to take millions of pictures. You can create a cute coffee table book, a folder on your laptop, and frame those that belong pride of place.


Asking people to take pictures is a drain (and rarely works) but including hilarious photos in your bachelorette scavenger hunt list is a unique way to capture great memories, that aren’t just a group of girls standing together.


So today, I give you the ultimate list of tasks to include in your bachelorette hunt. Pick and choose as you like, and remember – Pics or it Didn’t Happen


What is a Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt?

In my mind, there are two branches and many ways to play. Which one you opt for depends on what kind of bachelorette party you are having, the location, and the groups of people attending.


Private or Location Specific Scavenger Hunt

If your bride tribe is staying in the one location or has booked an Airbnb, this is a great way to add an activity to the day. Set up a treasure hunt like when we were kids, you will be hiding items around the house, garden, hotel, or location.


The goal of the scavenger hunt is to find the items hidden. The items themselves can be the prize or you can have a collection/basket system where whoever collects the most wins a prize.


Scavenger Hunt Competition or Bachelorette Bingo

This one can get messy, depending on how wild your selections are. You’ll be in a public place, there will be other people around, and there is plenty of space for mischief and madness.


Each of your party guests will be provided with a bingo-style card or a list of things to do. Guests are asked to complete tasks or complete challenges to collect points. Each item on the list collects a different amount of points depending on the complexity/bravery and the person with the most points wins.

Location Specific

Drinks, drinks, and more drinks

Boozie Bachelorettes can never have too much alcohol floating around. Hide mini-bottle, of prosecco and or spirits around the place to be drunk by those who find them.


Lingerie, laughs, and love

Knickers are small and can hide quite easily. Hide them with clues and whoever finds the most wins.


Photo Scavenger Hunt

Your mission? Find as many photos of the bride that are dotted around the place. The person with the most pictures wins. This can be made even more fun by adding the next clue to the back of each photo.


The photo scavenger hunt can be themed, or just a smorgasbord of images from throughout her life. Guests come from different places so might be able to share images that others don’t have.


Childhood Memories



School Days

Love Story

Favorite Things

Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt

Not every girls’ night has to be naughty and not everybody wants to be. So try and have a few things from different levels (especially if you have a larger group) for those who are shy to feel included and take part.



Clean Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt

  1. Find something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
  2. Collect a coaster from each bar you visit
  3. Order a shot but let the person next to you choose it
  4. Take a photo with the bartender
  5. Order the special drink of the night from each bar
  6. Sing a love song to a stranger
  7. Perform a random act of kindness
  8. Sing karaoke at a bar but let someone you have never met pick the song
  9. Get at least 5 people you don’t know to start a conga line with you
  10. Ask a stranger to teach you a new dance move
  11. Dance in a public place
  12. Tell your best joke to a stranger
  13. Get a stranger to tell you their best joke
  14. Get advice from a married couple for the bride’s wedding day
  15. Find someone with a pet and get a selfie with the pet
  16. Take a photo with someone in uniform
  17. Start a dance battle with a member of another bachelorette party
  18. Take a photo of your entire group in your best rockstar pose
  19. Find a man with the same name as the groom and take a picture with him
  20. Get marriage advice from a stranger on a napkin
  21. Take a picture with a man with a huge mustache
  22. Take a picture with a man in a hat
  23. Get a group picture taken at each place you visit
  24. Take a group selfie with the doorman or bouncer


Fun Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt Ideas

A little bit more bravery is needed for these but it’s not over the top. A little creativity is needed but definitely worth it.


  1. Get a strange man to sing to the bride-to-be
  2. Strike a pose with random people
  3. Ask a police officer to fake arrest the bride for a photo
  4. Ask someone you don’t know to put lipstick on you
  5. Do the Macarena with no music and don’t tell anyone what you’re doing
  6. Get a piggyback ride from a stranger
  7. Do the “Dirty Dancing” dance lift with someone you have never met
  8. Get a group of strangers to perform the YMCA with the bride
  9. Take a photo of the bride behind the DJ booth acting like she is spinning records
  10. Get a video of you arm-wrestling someone you don’t know
  11. Get a video/ picture of yourself doing an impromptu limbo with a
  12. Convince a stranger to give the bride-to-be a piggyback ride
  13. Take a photo of the bride-to-be photobombing a group of strangers
  14. Playa silly game with strangers like Rock, Paper, Scissors, slaps, hide and seek, etc
  15. Ask a stranger to draw a funny caricature of the bride on a napkin or piece of paper
  16. Take a photo of the bachelorette posing with a life-sized cardboard cutout of a celebrity
  17. Get a photo of the bachelorette posing as a mannequin in a store window
  18. Ask the oldest guy at the place to dance
  19. Announce something over the loudspeaker
  20. Make a veil out of toilet paper or a full wedding dress


Challenging Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt

We’re turning up the heat with these, choose carefully, we don’t need fights, injuries, or arrests.


  1. Convince a guy to show you a tattoo in a place normally covered by his clothing
  2. Collect sex advice for the bride from random strangers
  3. Find a dirty magazine
  4. Get a stranger to write a dirty toast about the bride
  5. Stand up on a table and sing a song
  6. A sex toy
  7. A picture of everyone in your group doing a shot with a dirty name.
  8. Take a photo of yourself doing body shots off of a willing guy
  9. Get carried across the threshold of the bar
  10. Get a random guy to post a picture of you on his Instagram with the hashtag of your choice
  11. Get a guy to buy you the groom’s favorite beer
  12. Find a guy to practice walking down the aisle with you
  13. Get the bartender to do a magic trick
  14. Get a video of your party doing a coordinated dance in public
  15. Arm wrestle someone at a bar
  16. Find a stranger who looks like someone famous and take a picture with them
  17. Convince the barman to give you a free drink
  18. Make a new best friend in the toilets
  19. Tell someone today is a special day because you’ve met them


Naughty Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt

  1. Give a random dude a lap dance
  2. Fake an orgasm. In public.
  3. Kiss a cute guy (if you’re single)
  4. Pictures of members of your group kissing a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead
  5. Get a condom from a strange guy
  6. Get a piggyback ride from a strange guy
  7. Get five guys to tell you their best pick-up line and record it.
  8. Group photo of everyone taking a body shot
  9. Get a strange man to give you a lap dance
  10. Collect a random guy’s phone number
  11. Take a shot with no hands
  12. Get a random person to spank you
  13. Motorboat someone in your party or let them motorboat you (in public)
  14. Have a dirty dancing contest with another girl or guy (bonus points if you don’t know them)
  15. Ask the bartender if you can get a photo of you dancing on the bar
  16. The bride getting a lap dance from a girl or guy she doesn’t know
  17. The bridal party with a police car
  18. Pole dancing using a street sign in public
  19. Find a bar with a mechanical bull and ride it!
  20. Create a sexy alter ego for the night and introduce yourself to people using your new first name
  21. Ask a guy if you can smell his boxers
  22. Kiss someone’s feet
  23. Wear your bra on the outside of your shirt for at least 10 minutes
  24. Have a random person feed you a piece of fruit (or any food item) seductively
  25. Get a guy to give you his boxers/underwear
  26. Ask a guy to explain in detail the perfect way to kiss – any body part



Of course, there are traditional games you can play, and to be fair, bachelorette scavenger hunts are fast becoming a must – but honestly, these games are a great way to ensure an epic night is had by all at the bride’s last hurrah.


And the best part is that it doesn’t take a lot of effort or expense to organize. Create a list of clues or a list of photos, for the photo hunt, and you’re done. Print a list of bachelorette scavenger hunt ideas, and you have a fun activity that everyone can partake in.


I hope you have the best bachelorette party, and don’t forget – pics, or it didn’t happen.


Happy hunting


PS: If you’re looking for some fun bachelorette invitation quotes, or a bachelorette packing list, I’ve got you sorted. 

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